That there title is a big FU to the morons at Sew Fast Sew Easy. You may have heard about this because it's been raising quite a ruckus out here in cyberspace. SFSE is claiming they trademarked the phrase "Stitch and Bitch" in 1998 and is forcing groups using any variation on that name to change it. In reality, they own the service mark "Stitch and Bitch Cafe" which they've used for their discussion board. They have no claim on Stitch and Bitch.
Our local Yahoo group was affected by this. Affected so much that it actually disappeared last week. Luckily we had a little heads-up from Debbie Stoller and were able to snag the mailing list before it went. The new group is here for anyone who wants to join us. Notice we went from Stitchnbitch-Phoenix to SNBAZ which is actually catchier so the change wasn't all bad. (silver lining, silver lining, must find the silver lining.)
You can read all about this at the new Boycott Sew Fast Sew Easy site. You can also help a bit money-wise by going here and buying something.
I tried to do my little part yesterday at the bookstore. In the craft section they had two SFSE books which are now residing spine-side in. If it lets just one crafter miss them and buy something else, it's worth it. [The shelf is crowded and the staff doesn't seem to be much on the store straightening, so they may stay that way for a long time.]
As you might be able to tell, this is pissing me off. I hope it pisses you off too. Spread the word, post the button, let the world know that Stitchers (and Bitcher) are not to be messed with.

I totally agree! What a bunch of crap!
It really is a crock of shit. I hope they are being flooded with all of our bitching. A few of us have been having all kinds of fun on their forum. Heh.
So... if they trademarked *whatever* back in 1997... why did they wait until 2006 to enforce it? Sheesh!
That has got to be one of the craziest things I have ever heard! Thanks for getting the word out!
Bullshit I say. I posted your button proudly. Down with this kind of Nazi-ish behavior!!!!!
Hey girlie, I'm totally with ya on this one. The LA Times came out to our SNB meeting last week to interview our members regarding this egregious issue.
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