Saturday, October 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

Last year for my birthday I got a visit from my sister, a dead car battery and the plague for 8 months.

This year I got a 12 foot Penske truck, two amateur movers and a finished basement. And my sister will be showing up tonight.

I think this year is winning.

The settling in continues apace. My computer is set up and running (I was worried about effect 3000 miles of jiggling might have) but isn't connected to the internet yet. That's going to require a router of some sort, possibly a wireless card and a plethora of crossed fingers. My family is pretty good at working together to fix things but this new-fangled technology is at the edge of our collective knowledge. Luckily there is a 12 year-old boy living next-door who is willing to be our networking consultant. Not the perfect replacement for Mel, but he'll do in a pinch.

Currently working on the log cabin blanket, a cord purse for Mom and there are a great number of possible ideas percolating in the old brainspace. Now I just need some downtime to decant them.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Pam!!! Hope it is a great one. Glad you are settling in.

noricum said...

Happy birthday!

Creative Genius? said...

Congrats on the move and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

LinknKnits said...

Happy birthday! And glad to see you arrived in one piece!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Stephanie said...

Happy birthday! Glad to hear you guys made it over safely :D I've my fingers crossed for your networking and getting your internets functioning again :D

Jewels said...

Happy Birthday to you from me and Curly-Earl. Curly-Earl sends doggy snuzzles to Lucy too.