Creatively stuck. Mired in a morass of mohair. Waylaid in a wicket of wool. Ensnared in a snarl of sock yarn.
I'm still working on the shawl and it's progressing. I've started using a lifeline (thank for the idea Stephanie) and may actually finish it before the AC gets turned off for the winter.
But the shawl is slightly too complicated for traveling work. And I'm trying to think of something for the next edition of For the Love of Yarn (accessories and quick holiday knits, get cracking and send your creations to Alison). And I want to do something else, dammit.
I have 2 skeins of hot pink Lion Suede that want to be a hat, but it won't tell me what TYPE of hat.
I started a different hat out of sock yarn last night and after about a 2 inch circle it told me it wanted to be a squash. A striped squash, possibly evil but definitely with eyeballs (ala Monster Crochet).
The knee socks still want heels but I don't feel like producing them yet.
I recently got the Yarn Girl's Guide to Beyond the Basics and want to make a sweater but none of my yarn wants to be a sweater.
I want to make some more internal organs but none of my innards are volunteering to be models.
Or maybe a mythical creature or two, but none of them will admit they exist long enough to pose.
See? Stuck.
Silenced in a slipknot of silk. Confined in a cage of cotton. Caught in a cascade of ... Cascade.
And, ironically, the very yarn surrounding me is proving incapable of pulling me out.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Posted by
8:14 PM
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This exact think happened to me last year, and when I blogged about it, I got about a dozen really good ideas about how to pull me out of my own mah-laze-y-ness. And I used none of them. Seems that I had to let it happen on its own. I think that I felt guilty about NOT using any of the awesome suggestions, but I don't remember. Thank goddess for small favors of large memory loss.
And hey, congrats on the Big Deal in the world of Big Deals!!! You will be perfect for them. Love,
I meant "thing", of course, not "think". I need an editor.
Neato! Can't wait to see your scary squash...
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